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    QWhen it is used for a long term, would it be deposited in the body or have adverse reactions?

    A UDCA and B-vitamin are the main ingredients of Sulgidam and they are not deposited in the body or have adverse reactions even if used for a long time. So it is safe to take it.

    QIs it alright for woman to take?

    A Sulgidam can be taken without distinction of sex.

    QIs it alright to take only the contents inside the soft capsule?

    A It is alright to take only the contents inside the soft capsule. However, when only the contents is taken, you may feel uncomfortable on the taste or there is a possibility of damaging the vitamin ingredients. Therefore it is suggested to take it in the soft capsule form.

    QDoes "Sulgidam" help digestion?

    A Although Sulgidam is not a digestive medicine, it activates secretion of bile acid and helps fat digestion accordingly. In case there is a problem in liver, indigestion may occur since fat metabolism is not smooth.

    QHow many months would be needed to feel its effect?

    A Sulgidam is a product to recover liver’s detoxification function by supplying nutrition to liver and activate liver cells. It is difficult to improve liver function by short time use but needs about 3 months to feel its effect.